How much do frenchies shed?
The frenchie doesn’t shed much! However, it is still important practice good hygiene and brush your frenchie weekly. This allows the dog skin oils to move through out the coat! It is also important to keep your frenchie’s skin folds clean! This can be done with dog wipes. Wipes are available at most local pet stores.

How much exercise do frenchies need?
Hmm, I am guessing your a little lazy too? Just kidding! But if you are, a french bulldog might be just for you! Since they are a flat-faced breed, they do not need much exercise. A quick walk around the block should be fine. Since they do have a flat face though, it is important to limit there time outside during hot and humid summer days.

Are french bulldogs prone to health problems?
Frenchies get a bad reputation for being unhealthy dogs. Well they may be prone to some health issues, many are preventable with ethical breeding techniques, and proper care and hygiene! At Beantown Frenchies, all of our dogs are screened with a minimum 4-Panel Health test prior to breeding as well as getting a physical every six months at our local vet.
If you want to learn more about health concerns with frenchies, we wrote you this easy to read article that details the most common concerns!

Do frenchies get along with children and other animals?
Frenchies get along great with other animals and kids! All of our puppies at Beantown are socialized with other pets and children. My friends and family always bring there kids by when a liter is old enough to play, and the frenchies love it!
Sometime frenchies get anxiety when left alone because they are so loyal to there humans. Another pet can help fight this anxiety! Some frenchies get overly spoiled and may get jealous toward other dogs if you are giving them what they see as not enough attention!